One year I took a lamb. Of course I waited until right before the fair to start leading it. So in other words, he lead me. I have vivid memories of leading it into the arena at the fair so it could be sold. Interesting how I cried like a baby in front of all the fair-goers. My poor lamb, which I could have cared less about 5 minutes earlier, was going to get slaughtered.
Odd that I have a sudden craving for lamb chops. Mmmmm........
And finally, I remember my mom telling me to stay in the house for a while. Of course that means sneak out and see what's going on. There, next to the barn was our cow....skinned and hanging on a rack.
I'd like to say, poor cow....but let's be honest, I don't pity the cow. I love me some beef. I love grilling up some rib-eyes. I'd like to have a big freezer full of beef right now. In fact, here's a great website that will help you cook up some of that meat.
I learned quickly that you don't get attached to farm animals. Well, except the sweet baby chicks that ended up having their heads cut off in my garage....but I won't post a picture of that. Looking back, I think....dang!!! Those were some bad memories! But really, they were great memories. I loved living on a little farm. I really loved going to the fair and hanging out with friends. Ahhh....the smells and the lights. The thought of seeing some cute boys. And most importantly, the fair food!!!!
And I really really loved having the space to run around and shoot my bb gun. My husband had his share of memories too, but I think they involved urinating on frogs.
He claims the frogs deserved it because they peed on him first. But he was also caught hiding up in a tree and urinating on his sister when she walked below him. We have a recurring theme here...
My husband and I have always wanted to give our children the same great childhood that we experienced. So two years ago, we moved out of town and onto a farm. Right away, we allowed some horses to use the land to graze. They're still alive....probably because the owners take care of them instead of me.
In the spring, we get to see the mama's have their babies.
The horsey-owners even let our kids play with the pony. They got pretty attached....until the pony dropped over dead of old age.... Pistols death was a tough one because he was our friend. The kids surprised me though and got over it pretty quickly. Not me. I still miss the old boy.
That fall, we decided to give bunny rabbits a try. Darn things kept getting out of their cage. Sophia and her dad made a game out of catching them though so it was kind of fun. Kind of. Eventually we gave up and let them run free. Now, they hang out in my garden and steal my food.
Next, we found out our barn cat was pregnant, so we were going to have baby kitties!!! That was the most fun! The kids loved on those kitties like they kitties. Unfortunately, we had an incident that I won't speak about. It involved the neighbor dog and violence. That was a tragic one. We had a lovely funeral for two of them.

Do you see a recurring theme here??? I try. Is it just me??? Or is it just farm life. Either way, my kids are learning a lot about animals and the circle of life. And my kids are loving it. My son loves going for walks with the dog and exploring. Look at that dirty little face. I want to smooch him!!
My girls love helping in the garden and chasing after the one remaining baby kitty. They love playing on their trampoline and doing flips on the swing set.
They love helping their daddy irrigate the hay field. Oh wait...they don't help irrigate. They run through the water and cause chaos. But that's ok. That's what kids do.

Finally a picture of Sophia.....nice pj's and flapper girl head-band. You are looking good.....
Now, you all are just making us look crazy.....
Here we go....that's nice.
Next spring, we're going to give chickens a try. We like to ease into the farm life here. One of my sweet friends mentioned that we don't live on a farm....we live on a pet cemetery. I think she's right. But, we are learning a lot and having fun.
Glad to see that headband got a second shot at life! ;) Great blog, Jodi.
ReplyDeleteI knew my kids would love it. Even Brady has been caught wearing it... ;)
ReplyDeleteYou forgot the pig that Jaimee caught at the pig scramble at the fair.