Thursday, May 30, 2013

A Big Decision

About a month ago, my husband and I decided we were going to begin the process of adoption over again.  We have absolutely-positively-certainly-undeniably not given up on our little dude.  His space in the family will always be there and the second Russia opens, we are on a plane.  Joshua is, and always will be a member of our family.  So why would we start a new adoption?  Anyone who has ever adopted will tell you, satan steps it up BIG TIME and tortures the heck out of you the minute you decide to adopt.  Everything possible will break in your house and car.  You will, out of nowhere have a hail storm that destroys your roof.  Your septic will back up and flood the basement.  Your car will start making horrible clicking sounds and definitely need new tires.  These are all things that happened to us this last year.  Our first thought was "if we start the process over, what could possibly break this year".  Maybe our roof will cave in or our hay field will start on fire.  Let's just pray that God will get us through it.  So with that said....

Please welcome our little princess.  She is seven and all sass!  This little girl is going to fit right in.....

1 comment:

  1. 0_o I thought it was just about a dress - Gregg
